Tywyned haul-wen ar fy enaid, Blinais ganwaith gan y nos; Nid yw 'mhleser, na 'nheganau, Na'm heilunod, ond fy nghroes; Mynwes Iesu yw'm hapusrwydd, O na chawn i yno fod! Fe roi cariad dwyfol perffaith, Fy mhleserau tàn fy nhroed. Yn y rhyfel mi arosa', Yn y rhyfel mae fy lle, Boed fy ngenau wrth y ddaear, Boed fy llygaid tua'r ne'; Doed y goncwest pryd y delo, Dysgwyl wrth fy Nuw a wnaf, Nes o'r diwedd wel'd yn trengu, Pechod ag oedd bron fy lladd. Etto unwaith mi dderchafaf, Un ochenaid tua'r nef, Ac a wylaf ddagrau'n hidl, Am ei bresennoldeb ef; Pwy a ŵyr na wrendy clustiau, 'R Hwn a greodd dda'r a nen; Ac na ddaw fy nymuniadau, Trist hiraethlon oll i ben. Mi feddylia' fod y wawr-ddydd, Wen, ar godi maes o law; Mi dybygaf trwy'r cymylau, Gwelai oleu'r ochr draw; Tyred wyntoedd mwyn y dëau, Gwthiwch y cymylau o'u lle, I'm gael gwel'd yn ei ogoniant, Bresennoldeb Brenin Ne'.William Williams 1717-91
Tôn [8787D]: gwelir: Draw mi wela'r nos yn darfod Eto unwaith mi ddyrchafaf Nid oes (g)wrth(dd)rych ar y ddaear O fy enaid gwan nac ofna |
Let the sunshine gleam on my soul, I grieved a hundred hundreds of times a night; My pleasure is neither my trinkets, Nor my idols, but my cross; The breast of Jesus is my happiness, Oh that I could be there! Perfect, divine love has put, My pleasures under my feet. In the battle I shall stay, In the battle is my place, Let my mouth me on the earth, Let my eyes be towards heaven; The the conquest come when it will, Wait upon the I shall, Until at last seeing the trampling, Of sin which was almost killing me. Once again I shall raise, One groan towards heaven, And weep streaming tears, For his presence; Who knows whether ears will hear, His who has created earth and sky; And whether my sad, longing desires, Shall all come to an end. I think that the bright dawn of day, Is about to rise shortly; I imagine through the clouds, I can see the light of the side beyond; Let the gentle winds of the south come, Push the clouds away, For me to get to see in his glory, The presence of the King of Heaven.tr. 2014 Richard B Gillion |