[T'wyn(n)ed/Tywyned] haul-wen ar fy enaid

(Gruddfan am ymwared)
Tywyned haul-wen ar fy enaid,
  Blinais ganwaith gan y nos;
Nid yw 'mhleser, na 'nheganau,
  Na'm heilunod, ond fy nghroes;
Mynwes Iesu yw'm hapusrwydd,
  O na chawn i yno fod!
Fe roi cariad dwyfol perffaith,
  Fy mhleserau tàn fy nhroed.

Yn y rhyfel mi arosa',
  Yn y rhyfel mae fy lle,
Boed fy ngenau wrth y ddaear,
  Boed fy llygaid tua'r ne';
Doed y goncwest pryd y delo,
  Dysgwyl wrth fy Nuw a wnaf,
Nes o'r diwedd wel'd yn trengu,
  Pechod ag oedd bron fy lladd.

Etto unwaith mi dderchafaf,
  Un ochenaid tua'r nef,
Ac a wylaf ddagrau'n hidl,
  Am ei bresennoldeb ef;
Pwy a ŵyr na wrendy clustiau,
  'R Hwn a greodd dda'r a nen;
Ac na ddaw fy nymuniadau,
  Trist hiraethlon oll i ben.

Mi feddylia' fod y wawr-ddydd,
  Wen, ar godi maes o law;
Mi dybygaf trwy'r cymylau,
  Gwelai oleu'r ochr draw;
Tyred wyntoedd mwyn y dëau,
  Gwthiwch y cymylau o'u lle,
I'm gael gwel'd yn ei ogoniant,
  Bresennoldeb Brenin Ne'.
William Williams 1717-91

Tôn [8787D]:
Ebeneser (Thomas J Williams 1869-1944)
Engedi (J E Jones 1856-1927)
Samma (D Emlyn Evans 1843-1913)

  Draw mi wela'r nos yn darfod
  Eto unwaith mi ddyrchafaf
  Nid oes (g)wrth(dd)rych ar y ddaear
  O fy enaid gwan nac ofna

(A groaning for deliverance)
Let the sunshine gleam on my soul,
  I grieved a hundred hundreds of times a night;
My pleasure is neither my trinkets,
  Nor my idols, but my cross;
The breast of Jesus is my happiness,
  Oh that I could be there!
Perfect, divine love has put,
  My pleasures under my feet.

In the battle I shall stay,
  In the battle is my place,
Let my mouth me on the earth,
  Let my eyes be towards heaven;
The the conquest come when it will,
  Wait upon the I shall,
Until at last seeing the trampling,
  Of sin which was almost killing me.

Once again I shall raise,
  One groan towards heaven,
And weep streaming tears,
  For his presence;
Who knows whether ears will hear,
  His who has created earth and sky;
And whether my sad, longing desires,
  Shall all come to an end.

I think that the bright dawn of day,
  Is about to rise shortly;
I imagine through the clouds,
  I can see the light of the side beyond;
Let the gentle winds of the south come,
  Push the clouds away,
For me to get to see in his glory,
  The presence of the King of Heaven.
tr. 2014 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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